
Who we serve

Books Through Bars has been sending free books to incarcerated people in six mid-Atlantic states (Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia) for over 30 years.

To learn about programs serving people in other states, check out Prison Book Program’s list of books to prisoners programs. We’re all unaffiliated, although of course we admire each other’s work.

What we send

We do our best to send the books people ask us for, whatever those may be. By fulfilling all requests to the best of our ability, we work to support self-determination, self-education, and healing behind bars.

Nearly all of the books we send are donated. That means our ability to fulfill requests depends on the donations we receive.

By donating books, you can help ensure that incarcerated people receive the books they need!

How it works

Every week we receive 100+ letters from incarcerated people requesting books.

Every month we receive about 500 letters from incarcerated people requesting books.

We select the books from our library that best fulfill each request.

We select the books from our library that best fulfill each request.

We send the books to their recipients, along with an invoice and a note of solidarity.

We send the books to their recipients, along with an invoice and a note of solidarity.

 To learn more about our work and our impact, read our newsletters from 2023 and 2024.

BTB in the News

Books Through Bars: Discussing the Importance of Books in Prisons with Dr. Tom Haney: Pursuing Justice podcast episode, March 21, 2024

Sentences for the Sentenced: The Philadelphia Citizen, March 11, 2024

Second First Chance: A documentary produced by students from Temple University’s Klein College of Media and Communication, May 5, 2019

Under Pressure, Pa. Prisons Repeal Restrictive Book Policy: The Philadelphia Inquirer, November 2, 2018

Pa. prisons sell inmates eBooks via private contractor, but they can be expensive: WHYY, October 8, 2018

Pa. Prison Authorities Curb Letters, Books, Newspapers: The Militant, October 1, 2018

One Review of Pa. Prisons’ Pricey Ebooks: ‘Books That Are Available for Free, That Nobody Wants Anyway’: The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 21, 2018

Return to Sender: No More Mailing Books to Inmates in Pennsylvania: Slate, September 19, 2018

Pa. Prison Books and Mail Policies Draw Protests, Petitions, and Possible Legal Challenges: The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 13, 2018

Pennsylvania Prisons Terminating Book Donations Amid ‘Drug Crisis’: Billy Penn, September 12, 2018

Barbara Hirshkowitz, Activist Who Aided Prisoners: obituary for our co-founder in The Philadelphia Inquirer, March 22, 2007